What I'm Listening To (6/16/2023 Edition)
Its a new week and that means a new playlist. Here’s the music I’ve been into this past week. You know the deal, lets begin.
I’ve been wanting to make a summer type playlist since we are fully in it. And we are also in the middle of 2023 Pride Month. I just wanted to take some time here to talk about something that has really been upsetting me recently. A few acquaintances are trying to stir up more homophobia and hateful rhetoric and trying to normalize this in my own communities here in Texas. Foolishly I believed that many people in my age (early 30s) had already moved on and grown up on this topic. They have not. At the same time, new teenagers and kids are being pulled into this sphere of thought. We need to actively combat this. Please be kind to folks, but stand up for your friends too. They go through so much societal hurt for asinine reasons but also ignorant beliefs. These ignorant beliefs have no room in our world now. They never had room in the past, and they don’t have room in the future. Stand up for your friends and have their back in this very trying time.
Enjoy the playlist